

The Sacrament of Baptism is a time of great joy for the baptized, the family and the entire parish community. In preparation for the reception of Baptism by our children, instruction is provided for the parents and godparents. Preparation classes are held monthly in English and Spanish at the parish and include instruction on the Sacrament and an overview of the liturgy of Baptism. Upcoming classes are published in the Parish bulletin.

Contact: Lucy Arrom (786) 254-2543, [email protected]
The Eucharist is the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, in which He is present under the forms of bread and wine, offering Himself in the Sacrifice of the Mass and giving Himself as spiritual food to the faithful.

The reception of the Blessed Eucharist for the first time in a child's life is a wonderful moment. Family, catechists, priests and community all contribute to preparing the child to enter this new phase of an ever deepening communion with Christ

The parish Religious Education program offers both parents and children a deeper understanding of the Eucharist. Please visit our Religious Ed. Section on our website for details on the First Communion preparation program for children.
In the Archdiocese of Miami the celebration of the sacrament of confirmation generally occurs in the teenage years, completing the sacraments of initiation for our young people. The challenge is to help our young people to recognize and to fruitfully draw on the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they grow into adult Christians.

The parish Religious Education program offers both parents and adolescents a deeper understanding of the sacrament of Confirmation. Please visit our Religious Ed. Section on our website for details on the Confirmation preparation program.
Parishioners of St Kieran planning to marry are asked to contact the parish office preferably nine (9) months but no less than six (6) months before their anticipated wedding date. Marriage preparation in the Archdiocese of Miami includes activities for the couple, individually and with other couples, during this period.

Married parishioners are encouraged to support couples planning to marry by providing assistance for the marriage preparation events within the parish and may be called upon to serve as mentor couples for the engaged couples. Training is required and is provided.

Contact: Lucy Arrom (786) 254-2543, [email protected]
The Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Miami encourages all who wish to seek the will of God in their lives to consider the priesthood or religious life. Throughout the year, focus groups and vocational retreats are open to help people who are considering a vocation in the Church.

If you think you feel the call to the priesthood or religious life, do not let time pass by. Call directly our pastor or contact the vocations director for the Archdiocese of Miami.
In the sacrament of penance or reconciliation, we celebrate God's forgiving and healing love. The reception of this sacrament ought to be prepared for by an examination of conscience made in the light of the Word of God.

The sacrament of reconciliation is offered regularly on Saturdays from 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM. Confessions are also available at any time upon request. Please call the parish office to make an appointment. Reconciliation Liturgies are offered during the seasons of Advent and Lent. Please check the church bulletins for more information.
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick renews and comforts those who are afflicted or dying. Please, contact the parish office if someone is in need of Anointing of the Sick and the person is at home. If the person in need of the Anointing of the Sick is at the Hospital, please contact the Pastoral Care Department of said Hospital.

Lucy Arrom, Parish secretary (786) 254-2543 Email: [email protected]
We are very sorry for your loss. Immediately following death, the family, usually with the assistance of the funeral director, makes arrangements for the funeral. Please have the Funeral Home call the parish office. You may also visit or call the parish office to arrange for a Funeral Mass. Lucy Arrom, Parish secretary (786) 254-2543 Email: [email protected]

Does the catholic church allow cremation?

Yes, the Funeral Rites of the Church may be held in the presence of the cremated remains of the deceased. The cremated remains of a body should be treated with the same respect given to the human body from which they come. This includes the use of a worthy vessel to contain the ashes, the manner in which they are carried and their final disposition. Cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium.

The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping the remains at home of the deceased are not the reverend disposition that the Church requires.
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