Prayer Requests and Mass Intentions

Prayer Requests and Mass Intentions

St. Kieran has several ways in which we support each other in special personal prayer. Mass Intentions are dedicated to the intentions of the petitioner and are mentioned out loud in the Eucharistic Prayer of the Mass. Intentions may also be requested to include in the Prayers of the Faithful. Intentions for Mass may be for the support of the sick, for repose of the soul of a loved one, in thanksgiving, on the occasion of an anniversary or for other special intentions. Intentions for the Masses of the week are listed in the Sunday bulletin.

Each Mass at St. Kieran’s is said in honor of a loved one of a member of the community. A Mass on Sunday is celebrated for all the people of the parish.

Mass intentions are accepted at the parish office (Monday – Friday).

Requests for prayer for a loved one who is sick, for the deceased, in praise and gratitude for God’s blessings or for any special intention may be sent to the parish by completing the form below or by e-mailing the parish office at [email protected].

St. Kieran Catholic Church | Miami Brickell | Coconut Grove | Bay Heights
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